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Every detail cop I ever see is chatting either with the workers (grousing about each others union woes I assume) or chatting on their cell phone (calling the marina to see when their boat can be put inthe water) I can't recall the last time I actually saw a detail cop directing traffic or in hot pursuit of some wayward criminal who happened by the detail. must be nice to be able to earn an extra 20,000 - 40,000 for dressing up in your uniform and hanging around.
All a crock of poop poo is what it is.


Yes, indeed. A well-organized, entrenched, impossible-to-change crock of poop.

mAss Backwards

Hey, drinking coffee while staring into a hole in the road is serious multi-tasking. NOT for amateurs.

Chris Boyd

For some more information regarding police details and Massachusetts I encourage you to check out our new study on that very topic "Police Details in Massachusetts: Protection or Perk" at www.beaconhill.org.


Everyone settle down and have a good laugh.I kept a log at the end of my shift of 28 years of directing traffic and now it is all in my book entitled " A day in the life of a road detail police officer".Now available on Amazon.com or go directly to lulu.com and type in the title into the search space.These stories are true and un-believable.I intentionaly left out the police action for the incidents that callled for it.Enjoy !


Everyone settle down and have a good laugh.I kept a log at the end of my shift of 28 years of directing traffic and now it is all in my book entitled " A day in the life of a road detail police officer".Now available on Amazon.com or go directly to lulu.com and type in the title into the search space.These stories are true and un-believable.I intentionaly left out the police action for the incidents that called for it.Enjoy !


want to ask a detailcop a question ? then go to [email protected]

You people are IDIOTS

The ranting of you people are the reason that there is no respect for law enforcement.Get a clue and check your facts first befor you start sounding like a bunch of jack@#^s.

The judge

Excuse me? We watch you useless detail slugs sit on your ass and then when we demand it stop we are not showing you respect?

Earn it. Or better yet quit en masse and try to find work in the private sector. We won't miss you.

Remember, our goal is to have you AND your useless families out on the curb begging for scraps consistent with you contributions to are society.

Now why not come back with some useless palaver about how you "protect our freedoms". You're beyond pathetic and not very bright either.

You piece of librel crap,Your probably not even an American citizen.There is no excuse for you. The fact that having the extra police on the streets reduces the amount of crimes that would have been committed if no police are on the details. Let me remind you moron that most of them get paid by the private sector,not the tax payer.Its a jakass like you who would probably run a flagman down anyway.

The Judge

Exhibit A folks. First our right wing brother goes to the illegal alien argument. I'm going to have some fun with him and ask him to define "Non sequitor".

Then he gives us the argument that its all ok because private companies pay for the detail slugs. We have the highest utility rates in the nation and this bobo can't put two and two together.

Any of you ever seen a detail slug make an arrest? We've certainly driven past these slugs often enough. Ever seen one move.

Then we have the flagman argument. Bobo doesn't seem to understand that a critical element of the problem is that neither flagman nor detail slugs are needed at 85% of these jobs. Of course we might be willing to compromise in those situations where a flagman is truly needed and use a cop but these slugs want their welfare checks and want to go to great lengths to convince us that they are deserving.

Don't be fooled. Most cities and towns can easily cut the police force and you would miss nothing.


I agree that details need to end.... but HOW? How can we make them stop? We need money for a huge campaign. Who would be willing to invest in this?

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Can Obama suck back up to the Police Union after calling Crowley's actions stupid?
Would this be throwing the police unions under the bus?

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If only the 350 cities and towns could find the same political will. We can break the back of the police unions here, if people don't chicken out.

Jordan 8

Count your age with friends but not with years. Good luck to you!!

Jordan 1

As with much else in the world today, the pace of progress will depend on the US –the insufficient but still indispensable power.

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