Sorry to seem like Lawpundit, but get over to Radley Balko's site to read more about Cory Maye, the Mississippi man with no previous criminal record on death row for killing a police officer who entered his home without warrant in the middle of the night. It's very disturbing.
UPDATE: As Balko has just noted, it turns out they did have a warrant. It's just that they thought it was some other guy's house and were looking for his drugs. In the middle of the night. Without knocking. (Or, at least without a separate knock from the sound of the door coming down.)
UPDATE UPDATE: Balko is rightly exercised about the whole thing, and very energetic in his pursuit of it, but he gets some things wrong because -as a young and enthusiastic man- he assumes expertise in some fields he really doesn't know (police procedure, law). So take it all with a grain of salt, but don't miss the big picture. I think he may be right, there.