No one is better at doping out anti-Semitism and calling out Jew-haters in Massachusetts than Martin Solomon. Go read why you should stand for Israel at the Talk, Walk and Rock for Israel event this weekend in Boston. Number one reason: supporting Israel is the right thing to do. Number two reason: it will piss off suspected Jew-hater City Councilor Chuck Turner. (I only qualified that because it's possible -merely possible- that the Green-Rainbow psychos misquoted Turner. Unlikely, and his mere attendance at their event betrays his mindset.)
Good work, Sol. Stay on their case.
Thanks, I'm dopin' out the dopes!
It's good to be cautious, but note that Turner's remarks pass the plausibility test. His last public act in this regard was at...was it an MLK Day rally?...speakers were supposed to stay on topic for their remarks in what was a diverse collection of groups, but of course Turner couldn't help flapping his gums with the usual collection of Palestinian this and that, thus pissing off the Jewish groups who formed a major portion of the participants and embarrassing the organizers who had him there.
Posted by: Solomon | June 15, 2006 at 09:08 AM
It was a celebration of the anniverary of the Selma March, the Voting Rights Act and a Boston school-desegregation march led by Martin Luther King.
And, yes, it was bizarre. All these people stood to recall those events and push for the re-authorization of the Voting Rights Act (including somebody from the ADL). John Lewis, who was severely injured at the Pettis Bridge, spoke about the march. And then Chuck Turner took the mike to denounce the war in Iraq and what he said was the Zionist occupation of Palestine. So it fits.
Also: This is the same guy who had a press conference at City Hall to wave around photos of American soldiers "torturing" Iraqis only it turned out the photos were actually from some porno Web site.
Posted by: adamg | June 15, 2006 at 10:11 AM