Coming back from the suburbs yesterday evening, I was driving Dartmouth Street through Copley Square when I and dozens of other motorists were accosted by terrorist supporters demonstrating their fealty to the Party of God (Hezbollah) by waving huge flags and posters in the street. I was too concerned to about the safety of my car to yell out at them, but their conduct was the conduct of the mobs you see on TV from the Middle East. Just without the rock throwing. There was yelling, flag-waving, honking, wild gesticulating. It was like a little invasion from the formerly occupied territories. There were plenty of apparently native anglo-looking Americans there, too. Many holding the "Victory to Hezbollah" signs.
Where were the cops? This group of lunatics was blocking traffic and creating a public safety hazard (I mean, beyond the obvious safety hazard inherent to support for terrorists).
These people are the enemy among us.
There is always a risk with traffic and all that with every protest. I haven't seen a single protest that didn't cause a traffic jam. I support their right to free speech just like I support the right of KKK, Neo-Nazi and other Christianity based racist groups to protest.
With that being said, I think our government needs to watch supporters of terrorist organizations. Even better, stick the IRS on them. Hopefully Israel will wrap up their operations in a few weeks to establish a buffer zone for their country. I still think we (the US) needs to cease contact in that region.
Posted by: Shawn | August 03, 2006 at 10:38 AM
The first Hezbollah-sympathizer who jumps in front of me in traffic will likely wake up with "peeJ" stamped in his forehead.
Posted by: Bruce | August 07, 2006 at 01:27 PM
Wait Bruce, more like "qeeL"!
Posted by: eeka | August 09, 2006 at 05:28 PM