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Taps the final 100 days
Peter Macdonald 465 Packersfalls rd Lee NH 03824
John Clayton wrote a wonderful article on “100 days of Taps at the Veterans’ cemetery in Bow NH. The article was great because it talked about honoring Veterans for what they did. We should not just honor the recognized hero, but all Veterans. For every Veteran is a hero. The lucky veteran dies in theater or comes back to live a normal life. The unlucky Veterans are the ones whom return disabled. The Veterans with problems accepting reality because of what she or he saw or did. The Veteran that became homeless not because people don’t care but because people don’t understand this veteran’s reality. Taps is the final bell for these hero’s.
I got more out of John’s article. It made me think, the final bell should be to educate our children why the Veteran give their lives for a piece of paper called the “Constitution”. The final bell should be to educate our children on the responsibility of placing our nation first. Most children have no idea what a veteran has given for them. Some children’s first introduction to what a veteran is, happens the first day that this child becomes a Veteran them selves. John’s article should be printed in every paper.
Our politicians claim to do so much for the Veteran. It is all superficial for political gain. News Media should talk about Veterans every day. A Veterans letter to the editor should never be censored or edited. A disabled Veterans Medical care for serviced connected injuries should never be used as a political weapon to stop free speech. The Manchester NH Veterans Hospital stopped a 100% disabled veterans medical care for this very reason last week. The Director Dr. Levenson ordered medical care for a veteran whom received two of his three injuries in combat support missions stopped. The News Media refuses to print the facts. Disabled Veterans have problems receiving medical care every day. There should be the best medical care for every veteran at all times. Our politicians use veterans medical care as a political tool. Two U.S. Senators from NH refuse to help some disabled veterans because it is not to their political advantage. Some U.S. Rep. from Congress use a disabled Veterans medical care to silence this veterans free speech. John wrote a wonderful article but I wonder if John or others will realize a veteran does not want anything from you (the People of the United States) accept for you to realize what we gave our lives for. When you hear taps played remember all veterans gave their lives to protect and defend our Constitution. Learn what our Constitution is about and do not let the politicians diminish it. Let Taps be the final salute to all veterans as a way to assure them their sacrifice was not in vain.
Peter Macdonald Sgt USMC Semper Fi

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