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That's got to be one of the strangest GP's I've ever seen.


Yes, it was very strange.
It was marred halfway by Kubica's violent crash. Everyone thought he was dead. It is amazing he survived; simply amazing.
I'll probably post a few more pics in coming days. I think I have a nice one of Alonso on an agricultural excursion in the very corner pictured here.


On TV ( at least on FoxHD ) you could see that he was still moving after the car stopped.

You can credit his survival to the Hans device he was wearing, the controlled deformation of the nose, the engineered energy dissapation as the cars come apart during the crash, that there was no secondary impact dispite having crossed the track in traffic, that there was no fire thanks to improved fuel safety systems and fianaly, the skill of the F1 rescue teams, who were on scene almost before the car stopped crashing. He also hit that barrier wall at about a 30 degree angle, but likely still going well over 150 MPH.

I did think they were too eager to send out the safty car ( 5 times? I lost count) for every minor wall brush.

traffic school online california

thanks for the update about GP. Love to see more and more interesting updates. End of the it was a good enjoyed Saturday GP.

Georgia Drivers Ed

thanks for sharing the update

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