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Rob B.

I'm surprised I didn't see this ridiculousness back in October (was probably on the road). Why no updates since then? Uniformed cops standing around your laptop?

Girl Car

Yeah - I agree with you. Unions don't work.


Idiot. Enough said. He doesn't represent all law enforcement, so let's go easy on the police.

Joe at CoolSuperCars

A union making an arse of itself? What else is new! With that being said I have alot of respect for law enforcement - but I totally agree with the union = thug view.

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Really interesting one, i much appreciate. Thanks for sharing the information.testking

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Yes, This is true indeed.Nice post,

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Exactly , Unions never work.

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great article, thank you.


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Correct said in this post. Sometime law enforcers acts like a thug. Waiting to listen more on this topic.

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If only the 350 cities and towns could find the same political will. We can break the back of the police unions here, if people don't chicken out.

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Officers off duty should also obey rules. If they will understand rules than only they can help other to implement rules.


Testking 70-686

that`s nice news. thanks for this...

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this is certainly a complex area, and it can be quite difficult to know which opinion to take. Either way though something needs to change otherwise the problem will only get worse

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Everything in moderation.

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This is great post. i think they declare all public employee unions illegal effective 200 years ago. Switch their unsustainable and corrupt pension plans to 401Ks.

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Agree 100%, we have the same problems in the UK


Thanks for the information this is really very useful for me.


Testking  70-271

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Form past experience I think unions won't work. They should not take low into their own hands.


police and police unions almost always make asses of themselves, threatened or not.

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