My lovely wife bought me a DVD of Casino Royale as a late birthday present. Not knowing much about electronics, she bought the full screen version instead of the wide screen. If you have a decent modern TV of a fair size, you'll want to skip the full screen version. Everyone looks slightly short and a bit fat. "Squat" is a good word. But that's not my point.
I didn't notice when I saw it in the theater -one of only two films I saw in theater last year, because I hate movie theaters and their prices and their f***ing Buick commercials- but the movie has no respect for cars. They rolled an Aston DBS, for God's sake. C'mon, he's James Bond. You'd think they'd let him keep it wheels down.
Great Bond, though. Hope he's back soon.
What's Annoying About the Movies?
We took in Shrek the Third over the weekend, along with everyone else in rainy New England. We went early, for the morning matinee. It was expensive anyway. Then we got to sit through advertising for junk no one should feed their kids. After that, we got to sit through previews for other films they want us to pay too much to see, most of which appear not to be worth even a reasonable admission price. [Prediction: Seinfeld's bee movie will turn out to be a C movie.]
And what's with showing a preview for a movie with machine guns, missiles, and invading robots before a kids' film? And who thinks it's a good idea to show a preview with Queen Latifah making racial jokes to an audience of five-year-olds?
And why to do media outlets lead with the weekend take as if it were a sporting contest? When did the box office take become of concern to anyone outside the industry? Oh, and could we stop the stupid headlines on that topic ("Big Green Ogre Stomps Spidey")?
American culture isn't merely declining; it's dead.
May 20, 2007 in Commentary, Movies | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)